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  • Porzuczek,J. (2014) "On-line diagnostics and self-tuning method for the fluidized bed temperature controller", Aktualne zagadnienia energetyki: praca zbiorowa. T. 2, CD,ss.445-458

  • Abstract: ...
    The paper presents the method of on-line diagnostics of the bed temperature controller for the fluidized bed boiler. Proposed solution is based on the methods of statistical process control. Detected decrease of the bed temperature control quality is used to activate the controller self-tuning procedure. The algorithm that provides optimal tuning of the bed temperature controller was also proposed. The results of experimental verification of the presented method was attached. Experimental studies were carried out using the 2MW bubbling fluidized bed boiler.

  • Porzuczek,J. (2014) "Applications of Electrical Capacitance Tomography for Research on Phenomena Occurring in the Fluidised Bed Reactors", Chemical and Process Engineering, Vol.35, Nr 4, ss.397-408

  • Abstract: ...
    The paper presents a review of current achievements in the Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT) in relation to its possible applications in the study of phenomena occurring in fluidised bed reactors. Reactors of that kind are being increasingly used in chemical engineering, energetics (fluidised bed boilers) or industrial dryers. However, not all phenomena in the fluidised bed have been thoroughly understood. This results in the need to explore and develop new research methods. Various aspects of ECT operation and data processing are described with their applicability in scientific research. The idea for investigation of temperature distribution in the fluidised bed, using multimodal tomography, is also introduced. Metrological requirements of process tomography such as sensitivity, resolution, and speed of data acquiring are noted.

    Artykuł on-line

  • Porzuczek,J. (2014) "Zabezpieczenie ciągłości zasilania w małych systemach HVAC", Przegląd Naukowo-Metodyczny : edukacja dla bezpieczeństwa, R.7, Nr 3(24), ss.665-679

  • Streszczenie: ...
    W pracy przedstawiono przykładowe rozwiązanie układu alternatywnego zasilania małego systemu HVAC, pozwalającego na poprawę niezawodności zasilania takiego systemu. Zaproponowany układ wykorzystuje ogniwa fotowoltaiczne z akumulacją energii w akumulatorach żelowych VRLA. Analizowano uwarunkowania decydujące o niezawodności przedstawionego rozwiązania, jak również związane z nimi aspekty ekonomiczne. Zamieszczono również analizę doświadczeń eksploatacyjnych z przykładowej instalacji badawczej. Dokonano porównania prognozowanych uzysków energii z rzeczywiście osiąganymi wynikami.

    Abstract: ...
    The paper shows an example of the alternative power supply for small HVAC system allowing for the reliability improvement of such a system. The analyzed system uses photovoltaic cells and energy accumulation in VRLA gel batteries. The conditions determining the reliability of the presented solution, as well as the related economic aspects were investigated. The analysis of operating experience with the exemplary research installation was also provided. The comparison of the projected energy yields with actually achieved results was focus of attention.

    Strona Wydawnictwa

  • Porzuczek,J. (2012) "Optymalizacja pracy paleniska fluidalnego w warunkach niestacjonarnych", Monografia seria Inżynieria Środowiska, Wydawnictwo PK,no.405, pp.118

  • Porzuczek,J. (2012) "Identyfikacja modelu dynamiki paleniska fluidalnego małej mocy. Dynamic model identification of the low-power fluidized bed boiler", Czasopismo Techniczne z.4. Środowisko z.1-Ś, Wydawnictwo PK Kraków, ss.157-170

  • Streszczenie: ...
    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań identyfikacyjnych wielowymiarowego modelu paleniska fluidalnego, przedstawionego w formie transmitancji macierzowej, zdyskretyzowanej do postaci ARX. Zaproponowano warunki przebiegu eksperymentu zapewniającego identyfikowalność modelu dynamiki, przy ograniczeniu ryzyka awaryjnego wyłączenia kotła. Na podstawie analizy działania paleniska fluidalnego wskazano typowe zakłócenia procesu spalania z uwzględnieniem podziału na zakłócenia mierzalne i niemierzalne oraz sformułowano metodę identyfikacji wpływu tych zakłóceń na sygnały wyjściowe modelu. Wskazano możliwość aplikacji przedstawionego modelu w regulatorach bazujących na modelu automatyzowanego procesu, np. predykcyjnych, adaptacyjnych czy IMC (Internal Model Control).

    Abstract: ...
    The paper presents results of the identification of the multivariable model of the fluidized bed boiler derived in the form of transfer function matrix. Conditions of the experiment that ensure the identifiability of model dynamics while limiting the risk of emergency boiler shutdown was proposed. Typical disturbances of the combustion process including division into measurable and immeasurable ones as well as the method to identify the impact of these disturbances on the outputs of the mode l was formulated. Possible application of the model in the model-based controllers such as predictive or adaptive IMC (Internal Model Control) was indicated.

    Artykuł on-line

  • Porzuczek,J. (2011) "Model dynamiki kotła fluidalnego na potrzeby automatycznej regulacji temperatury czynnika roboczego", Ciepłownictwo, Ogrzewnictwo, Wentylacja, ISSN 0137-3676, Wyd. SIGMA NOT, Warszawa, Nr 5, ss.215-216

  • Streszczenie: ...
    W artykule przedstawiono wielowymiarowy model kotła fluidalnego, sprowadzony do postaci transmitancji macierzowej. Taka forma modelu pozwala na jego bezpośrednią implementację w strukturze regulatora np. predykcyjnego lub IMC (Internal Model Control) w układzie automatycznej regulacji temperatury czynnika roboczego.

    Strona Wydawnictwa

  • Porzuczek,J. (2011) "Transfer matrix model of the bubbling fluidized bed boiler", Archives of Thermodynamics, Wydawnictwo Versita,No.3/Vol.32, pp.245-261

  • Abstract: ...
    The paper presents proposal of a model of the fluidized bed boiler adapted for use in model-based controllers e.g. predictive, adaptive or internal model control (IMC). The model has been derived in the form of transfer function matrix which allows its direct implementation in the controller structure. Formulated model takes into consideration the principal cross-coupling between process variables which enables the opportunity to search for feasibility of decoupling control. The results of the identification of the dynamics of the 2 MW industrial bubbling fluidized bed boiler using the proposed model form was presented. According to the experimental data it was found that despite of introduced simplifications presented model allows the boiler behavior prediction.

    Artykuł on-line

  • Porzuczek,J. (2010) "Optymalizacja regulatora temperatury złoża fluidalnego w kotłach małej mocy", SYSTEMS Journal of Transdisciplinary Systems Science, ISSN 1427-275X, Vol.14, Special Issue, pp.165-171

  • Streszczenie: ...
    W publikacji przedstawiono optymalizacyjną metodę automatycznego strojenia regulatora temperatury złoża. Zmienność właściwości spalanego paliwa powduje, że klasyczne algorytmy regulacji (np. PID) nie dają dobrych rezultatów. Zaproponowano rozwiązanie bazujące na wykorzystaniu zasad regulacji adaptacyjnej. Przedstawiono model procesu w postaci transmitancji operatorowej, oparty na bilansie energii. Uwzględniono nieliniowość układu regulacji, związaną z charakterystyką dozownika paliwa. Na podstawie badań weryfikacyjnych, przeprowadzonych na przemysłowym kotle fluidalnym stwierdzono, że zastosowanie przedstawionego rozwiązania, pozwala na znaczną poprawę jakości regulacji temperatury złoża, a przez to stabilności pracy kotła.

  • Porzuczek,J. (2008) "Metoda autoadaptacji nastaw regulatora temperatury złoża wielopaliwowego kotła fluidalnego", XII International Conference Air Conditioning Protection & District Heating, Wrocław-Szklarska Poręba 26-29 June 2008, ss.385-390

  • Streszczenie: ...
    W pracy przedstawiono metodą automatycznego doboru parametrów regulatora PID przeznaczonego do regulacji temperatury złoża w kotle fluidalnym. Zastosowanie tej procedury eliminuje konieczność żmudnego strojenia regulatora przy każdej zmianie właściwości paliwa, co jednocześnie może zapobiec ewentualnym błędom obsługi. Zaproponowana metoda bazuje na uproszczonym modelu dynamiki procesu, zweryfikowanym w oparciu o zarejestrowane wyniki eksperymentów przeprowadzonych na wybranych instalacjach. W pracy przedstawiono też wyniki symulacji komputerowych obrazujących działanie przedstawionej procedury strojenia.

  • Porzuczek,J. (2008) "Korekcja właściwości dynamicznych czujnika temperatury złoża fluidalnego", SYSTEMS Journal of Transdisciplinary Systems Science, Vol.13, Special Issue 2/2, pp.98-104

  • Abstract: ...
    The bed temperature is one of most substantial parameter measured in the industrial fluidized bed boilers. Due to high temperature and highly abrasive medium the sensor used for temperature measurement is equipped with steel housing. A thermal inertia of the sensor is cause of a dynamic error. This paper presents the method for correction of dynamic properties of the fluidized bed temperature sensor. The method is based on real-time proccessing of the measured signal. Required characteristic of the processing is derived.

  • Porzuczek,J. (2007) "Zadania współczesnych systemów sterowania kotłów fluidalnych w optymalizacji procesu paliw. Cz.I Regulacja parametrów pracy kotła fluidalnego", Ekopartner, Nr 8/9, ss.10-11

  • Streszczenie: ...
    Kotły fluidalne stanowią obecnie jedną z najszybciej rozwijających się technologii wykorzystania paliw stałych. Sytuacja ta jest spowodowana zarówno względami ekonomicznymi, jak i koniecznością ograniczenia emisji do atmosfery takich substancji, jak SO2 czy NOx. Ekonomiczne zalety stosowania tej technologii są związane przede wszystkim z wysoką sprawnością kotłów, a także możliwością spalania paliw o niskiej jakości oraz różnego rodzaju odpadów (osady ściekowe, odpady komunalne, odpady mięsne itp.). [...]

  • Porzuczek,J. (2007) "Zadania współczesnych systemów sterowania kotłów fluidalnych w optymalizacji procesu paliw. Cz.II Możliwości zastosowania regulacji adaptacyjnej do optymalizacji pracy kotła", Ekopartner, Nr 10, s.9

  • Streszczenie: ...
    Kotły fluidalne to obecnie jedna z najszybciej rozwijających się technologii wykorzystania paliw stałych. Dzieje się tak ze względów ekonomicznych i konieczności ograniczenia emisji do atmosfery szkodliwych substancji. W II części artykułu o stystemach sterowania kotłów fluidalnych prezentujemy możliwości zastosowania regulacji adaptacyjnej do optymalizacji pracy kotła.

  • Porzuczek,J. (2007) "Regulacja temperatury złoża w kotłach fluidalnych małej mocy",Ciepłownictwo Ogrzewnictwo Wentylacja, ISSN 0137-3676, Wyd. SIGMA NOT, Warszawa, Nr 11, ss.59-60

  • Streszczenie: ...
    Przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentów i symulacji komputerowych, przeprowadzonych na podstawie przyjętego modelu procesu. Przeanalizowano rezultaty regulacji temperatury złoża przy zastosowaniu klasycznego algorytmu PID. Wskazano możliwości jego modyfikacji w celu uzyskania lepszych wskaźników jakości regulacji.

    Strona Wydawnictwa

  • Kandefer,S., Bulewicz,E.M., Pilawska,M., Baron,J., Żukowski,W., Wrona,J., Porzuczek,J., Olek,M., Chrupek,S., Dzikowska,J. (2007) "Sludge for Heat - European Project Presentation",Proceedings of Polish - Swedish Seminar: Integration and Optimisation of Urban Sanitation Systems, Cracow March 17-18, 2005, pp.61-70

  • Abstract: ...
    For small/medium towns there is no standard method for the utilisation of sewage sludge. The problem could be solved by burning the sludge (only mechanically dewatered) together with other locally available combustible wastes, of higher calorific value. Some of the very damp sludge can be partly replaced by the second waste fuel, irrespective of its physical state (solid, liquid or gaseous). Candidate supporting fuels are e.g. the biomass by-products of the maintenance of vegetation within the city (street trees, parks, etc), partly segregated municipal solid waste (MSW), biogas or even animal waste. The technology selected is to burning sewage sludge in a bubbling fluidised bed (very tolerant of low grade or "difficult" fuels). It has the advantage that the process can be carried out at the site where the sludge originates, at a relatively low temperature but with good efficiently, avoiding the energy consuming drying stage. Designing a system for the thermal utilisation of sewage sludge was preceded by extensive laboratory tests and was backed by many years of research and industrial experience of the members of the group. A pilot installation, 1 MW, has been designed, with some of the heat produced employed in the gas cleaning system and for heating the premises used by the technical staff and for providing hot water. The combustor is equipped with feed systems for the sewage sludge and for the supporting fuels. On the basis of the experimental results, an automatic process control system has been developed. The effect of bed temperature and air excess on the flue gas composition and the degree of mineralisation of the sewage sludge has been assessed. Burning sewage sludge and supporting fuels on laboratory (5 kW) and pilot (100 kW FBC boiler, type KFD-s14u, own design) scales has shown that, on account of the flue gas concentrations of CO, VOC and NOx, the optimum operational temperature range should be 880-950 °C. In the bed the air excess coefficient should be below 1.6, but it can be increased in thefreeboard (the secondary combustion zone). The flue gas concentrations monitored were: 02, CO, NO, N02 and S02 (using ECOM®-SG Plus instrument, with electrochemical sensors), VOCs (JUM®, working on the FID principle). The air excess in the freeboard was also continuously recorded. The presence of S02 and NOx was due to the presence of combined sulphur and nitrogen in the fuel, most likely in organic form. It can be assumed that all organic S is converted to S02, so that the S02 concentration is a measure of the S content in the sewage sludge. If necessary, emissions of S02 could easily be reduced by adding crushed limestone to the fluidized bed, even with the S content of the fuel very variable. Fuel nitrogen may be gasified to either HCN or NH3 or remain in the char. Its subsequent oxidation can lead to the formation of NO, N20 or N2, depending on the combustion conditions. The NOx levels observed with sewage sludge are comparable to those with coal and to reduce them would require a system capable of copingwith rapidly changing concentration levels. If the co-combustion fuels are very low in S and N, the flue gas concentrations of S02 and NOx will fall. Wood chips are nearly free of S and their N content is a factor of 2-3 lower than in the sludge. Flue gases from burning segregated MSW (paper, cardboard, polymers, e.g. PE, PP, PET) are similar to those from wood waste and burning biogas is intrinsically clean. Thus the supporting fuels cannot have an adverse effect on the flue gas emissions, which are determined mainly by the elemental composition of the wastes. The use of supporting waste fuels will improve the degree of oxidation of CO and VOCs. There is practically no unbumed material in the ash, which is also fully mineralised. The results obtained for selected metallic elements are relevant to the problem of the fate of these elements during the combustion process and particularly their distribution between the flue gases and the ashes - most metals are retained in the ash. Thus the results obtained show that in a bubbling fluidized bed the combustion can be effective and potential pollutant emissions can be kept down.

  • Porzuczek,J. (2006) "System sterowania kotła fluidalnego jako narzędzie optymalizacji procesu paliw",Archiwum Spalania, Nr 1-4/Vol.6, ss.76-85

  • Streszczenie: ...
    W pracy przeprowadzono analizę możliwości optymalizacji działania kotłów fluidalnych poprzez efektywną regulację parametrów. Przedstawiono również wyniki badań, których celem była analiza jakości sterowania procesem spalania wybranych paliw i odpadów w kotłach z pęcherzowym złożem fluidalnym o mocy nominalnej: 0,5 i 1 MW z zastosowaniem różnych regulatorów. Podczas eksperymentów spalano: węgiel kamienny, zrębki drzewne, odpady mięsne oraz osady ściekowe. Badano również jakość regulacji parametrów podczas współspalania mokrego osadu ściekowego ze zrębkami drzewnymi.Zwrócono uwagę na problemy wynikające ze znacznej zmienności parametrów (wilgotność, wartość opałowa) zastosowanych paliw. Rozważono możliwość optymalizacji procesu poprzez zastosowanie regulacji wykorzystującej algorytmy adaptacyjne.

    Artykuł on-line

  • Baron,J., Bulewicz,E.M., Chrupek,S., Kandefer,S., Olek,M., Pilawska,M., Porzuczek,J., Wrona,J., Żukowski,W. (2005) "Sludge for Heat - CO-Combustion of Sewage Sludge with Biomass Wastes in an Atmospheric Bubbling FBC",Eighth International Conference on Energy for a Clean Environment, CleanAir 2005, 27-30 June 2005, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon - Portugal, Book of Abstracts, p.116

  • Abstract: ...
    Usual solutions for the incineration of sewage sludge assume the sludge to be initially dried. This is because the sludge leaving a waste water treatment plant typically contains more moisture than combustibles. Drying it is not practical for plants dealing with the effluent from towns of 10 - 60 thousand inhabitants, both on account of investment costs and the need to use gas or oil fuel to run the drying process.
    The proposed simplified technology of incinerating sewage sludge is being tested within the SFH project. It would be useful for small installations. It is possible to bum the wet sludge directly, in a bubbling fluidised bed combustor, BFBC, together with another waste, with a high calorific value. The waste fuel selected is wood chips, but other wastes have also been tested. To reduce the quantity of the supporting fuel required, an installation has been designed to work with preheating of the fluidising air. Surplus heat is removed from the installation via heat exchangers and could be used for heating or other purposes. The flue gases will be passed through a wet scrubber, supplied with treated waste water.
    The 1.MW-th installation has been designed, made, assembled at a temporary site and test fired, using sewage sludge and different prospective supporting waste fuels. The provisional operational parameters of the installation were determined and the level of flue gas pollutant emissions assessed. The throughput of the installation was verified.
    The purpose of the research work was to investigate the possibility of burning wastes high in organic sulphur, combined nitrogen and containing heavy metals, so that CO, hydrocarbons, SO2 and NOx emissions as well as vapours of metals and their compounds would be kept down and the metals immobilised in the ash stream [1]. Low emissions can be achieved using simple technological solutions: CO and hydrocarbons by arranging for the completion of oxidation reactions in the freeboard, NOx (if necessary) by, in effect, returning in the freeboard. Particulates and SO2 can be limited by using a wet scrubber. Very high SO2 can be dealt with by using lime-based sorbents in the bed. At FBC temperatures most metal compounds pass into the ash. No extra oxidation measures or multi-stage flue gas cleaning are planned. There are reasons to hope that after full optimization procedures die emissions should not exceed the limits set for waste incinerators. Results obtained during burning, separately, wood chips and dried sewage sludge (without augmentation by another waste) and in co-combustion, sewage sludge with cellulosic and polyolefinic wastes are presented (2). The effect of the scrubber on SO2 and NOx emissions has been assessed. The possibility of controlling emissions through suitable choice of the supporting fuel has been tested (3). It is possible to use co-combustion processes to limit the formation of NO (unaffected by the scrubber). Since the particulates removed in the scrubber are alkaline, it is possible to capture 30-60 % of the SO2, produced.

  • Kandefer,S., Bulewicz,E.M., Pilawska,M., Baron,J., Żukowski,W., Wrona,J., Porzuczek,J., Olek,M., Chrupek,S. (2005) "Sewage Sludge Incineration in an Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustor",The 8th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, Hangzhou, China

  • Abstract: ...
    For small/medium towns there is no standard method for the utilisation of sewage sludge. The problem could be solved by burning the sludge (only mechanically dewatered) together with other locally available combustible wastes, of higher calorific value. Some of the very damp sludge can be partly replaced by the second waste fuel, irrespective of its physical state (solid, liquid or gaseous). Candidate supporting fuels are e.g. the biomass by-products of the maintenance of vegetation within the city (street trees, parks, etc), partly segregated municipal solid waste (MSW), biogas or even animal waste. The technology selected is to burning sewage sludge in a bubbling fluidised bed (very tolerant of low grade or "difficult" fuels). It has the advantage that the process can be carried out at the site where the sludge originates, at a relatively low temperature but with good efficiently, avoiding the energy consuming drying stage. Designing a system for the thermal utilisation of sewage sludge was preceded by extensive laboratory tests and was backed by many years of research and industrial experience of the members of the group. A pilot installation, 1 MW, has been designed, with some of the heat produced employed in the gas cleaning system and for heating the premises used by the technical staff and for providing hot water. The combustor is equipped with feed systems for the sewage sludge and for the supporting fuels. On the basis of the experimental results, an automatic process control system has been developed. The effect of bed temperature and air excess on the flue gas composition and the degree of mineralisation of the sewage sludge has been assessed. Burning sewage sludge and supporting fuels on laboratory (5 kW) and pilot (100 kW FBC boiler, type KFD-s14u, own design) scales has shown that, on account of the flue gas concentrations of CO, VOC and NOx, the optimum operational temperature range should be 880-950 °C. In the bed the air excess coefficient should be below 1.6, but it can be increased in thefreeboard (the secondary combustion zone). The flue gas concentrations monitored were: 02, CO, NO, N02 and S02 (using ECOM®-SG Plus instrument, with electrochemical sensors), VOCs (JUM®, working on the FID principle). The air excess in the freeboard was also continuously recorded. The presence of S02 and NOx was due to the presence of combined sulphur and nitrogen in the fuel, most likely in organic form. It can be assumed that all organic S is converted to S02, so that the S02 concentration is a measure of the S content in the sewage sludge. If necessary, emissions of S02 could easily be reduced by adding crushed limestone to the fluidized bed, even with the S content of the fuel very variable. Fuel nitrogen may be gasified to either HCN or NH3 or remain in the char. Its subsequent oxidation can lead to the formation of NO, N20 or N2, depending on the combustion conditions. The NOx levels observed with sewage sludge are comparable to those with coal and to reduce them would require a system capable of copingwith rapidly changing concentration levels. If the co-combustion fuels are very low in S and N, the flue gas concentrations of S02 and NOx will fall. Wood chips are nearly free of S and their N content is a factor of 2-3 lower than in the sludge. Flue gases from burning segregated MSW (paper, cardboard, polymers, e.g. PE, PP, PET) are similar to those from wood waste and burning biogas is intrinsically clean. Thus the supporting fuels cannot have an adverse effect on the flue gas emissions, which are determined mainly by the elemental composition of the wastes. The use of supporting waste fuels will improve the degree of oxidation of CO and VOCs. There is practically no unbumed material in the ash, which is also fully mineralised. The results obtained for selected metallic elements are relevant to the problem of the fate of these elements during the combustion process and particularly their distribution between the flue gases and the ashes - most metals are retained in the ash. Thus the results obtained show that in a bubbling fluidized bed the combustion can be effective and potential pollutant emissions can be kept down.

  • Baron,J., Chrupek,S., Kandefer,S., Olek,M., Pilawska,M., Porzuczek,J., Wrona,J., Żukowski,W. (2005) "Small Scale Incinerator for Biomass, with a Bubbling Fluidized Bed. I. Combustion of Sewage Sludge",Development in Production and Use of New Agrochemicals, Chemistry for Agriculture, Vol.6, pp.756-764

  • Abstract: ...
    Results are presented, obtained when sewage sludge was burned in a purpose-designed industrial installation, comprising a 1.5 MW bubbling fluidised bed combustor. Dried sewage sludge was used in the tests. The combustion process was stable, and since the moisture content of the dried sludge was low, no auxiliary fuel was required. Analysis of the flue gases has shown that the concentrations of SO2 and NOx are somewhat elevated, on account of rather high combined S and N content in the sludge. The results have confirmed that the technological solutions used were correct and that they can be used for economically effective and ecologically safe local disposal of wastes by thermal utilisation.

  • Porzuczek,J. (2005) "Rola systemu sterowania w optymalizacji procesu fluidalnego spalania osadów ściekowych",International Conference Air Conditioning Protection & District Heating, Wrocław - Szklarska Poręba, 23-26 June 2005, ss.539-544

  • Streszczenie: ...
    W pracy przedstawiono możliwości optymalizacji procesu fluidalnego spalania osadów ściekowych na drodze efektywnego sterowania procesem. Przeanalizowane zostały przypadki współspalania osadów wilgotnych wraz z paliwami wspomagającymi oraz autotermicznego spalania osadu suchego. Zwrócono uwagę na problemy wynikające ze znacznej zmienności parametrów paliwa takich jak wartość opałowa czy wilgotność. Duża zmienność tych parametrów powoduje, że stosowanie klasycznych algorytmów regulacji (np. PID) nie daje dobrych rezultatów. Zaproponowano rozwiązanie oparte na warstwowej strukturze systemu sterowania z analizą możliwości zastosowania zaawansowanych algorytmów regulacji (takich jak algorytmy predykcyjne czy adaptacyjne).

  • Porzuczek,J. (2003) "System baz danych jako narzędzie wspomagające monitoring składowiska odpadów. Przykład aplikacji",Czasopismo Techniczne Środowisko, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Krakowskiej, Z.1-Ś/2003, Z.1-Ś, ss.191-203

  • Abstract: ...
    This paper presents project and realization of relational database system designed for store and analyzes data from pollution monitoring of the waste landfill. Stored data contains valuable information about pollutants concentration and physical and chemical properties of the landfill gas, surface water and underground water. This application has ability to perform statistical analysis of selected data. The statistical module contains descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, confidence interval and test of significance of expected value.This system was made using Microsoft Access 97 and programming languages: SQL and Visual Basic for Application (VBA), which are included in MS Access. Applied solutions are characterized by easy to operate and develop as well as access to data from a lot of othe programs likeMicrosoft Excel, Statistica or Matlab.

    Strona Baztech


Wdrożenia / Nauka w Praktyce



- Zespołowa Nagroda Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego za opracowanie technologii, konstrukcji i wdrożenia spalarni osadów ściekowych dla małych i średnich aglomeracji miejskich - 2007


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